Un. Deux. Trois, nos identités franco-canadiennes
De / from:
Joanne Belluco
Avec / with :
Durée en minutes / Runtime :
26 min
Genre :
Langue / Language :
French - English subtitles
Pays / Country :
Au Cinéma le / In theaters :
Date de sortie / Release date :
Un. Deux. Trois, nos identités franco-canadiennes explores the Franco-Canadian identity outside of Quebec through the lens of the monumental theatrical adventure UN. DEUX. TROIS, created by playwright, director, and actor Mani Soleymanlou. The production showcases 36 performers from the francophone stage, hailing from various pan-Canadian provinces. We had the opportunity to follow them on stage and behind the scenes in Ottawa, Sudbury, and @Studio 7 Multimédia.