De / from :
Bernard Émond
Avec / with :
Hélène Florent, Martin Dubreuil, Paul Savoie, Juliette Maxyme Proulx…
Durée en minutes / Runtime :
Genre :
Period drama
Langue / Language :
French – English subtitles
Pays / Country :
Québec, Canada
Au Cinéma le / in theaters :
Saturday, November 04 2023 from 4h30pm to 6h30pm
Date de sortie / Release date :
August 18, 2023 (Quebec)
Trois-Rivières, 1930s. A woman separated from her husband for eleven years agrees to take him back into her home when her partner dies, but on the condition that she does not resume married life. Her husband brings with him the three little girls from his second marriage. Mrs. Lemay will become attached to the three children, but life together with her husband will be more and more difficult. Mrs. Lemay is still attracted to this seductive but unstable man who will eventually abandon her again, leaving her three daughters.
- The direction of actors is very precise. In Rose, Hélène Florent seems to wear a veil of sadness on her face throughout the story, except during brief moments of joy with the girls. The actress is remarkable. Her partner is also true and touching in the role of the dark and awkward husband, …
Translated from the article by Luc Boulanger – La Presse
- By watching them dispassionately, the filmmaker creates a distance from the characters that allows viewers to consider them as objectively as possible, without this deluge of emotions that can, when overstated, annihilate any critical spirit. Thus, Émond offers us endearing and imperfect characters at the same time… that is, characters who look like many of us.
Translated from Cinéflic article by Jean-Marie Lanlo
- Adapted from a short story by Luigi Pirandello, Toute la vie, le cœur en peine, the feature film bears accents by Zola, Balzac, Flaubert. Bernard Émond also finds subjects that are close to his heart: alcoholism, the balance of power of social classes, betrayal, love, the couple. The sets are rich in detail, as are the costumes and music – classical, including Fauré, Brahms and Chopin – support the filmmaker’s dialogues and magnificent shots.
Translated from the article by Isabelle Hontebeyrie – Le journal de Montréal
The work shows a sobriety in its treatment and style that suits a wide audience.
Translation from the site
Munich Film Festival (2023)
2023 Nominee ARRI/OSRAM Award – Best International Film – Bernard Émond