Toronto Premier

De / From:

Robert Guédiguian

Avec / With :

Jean-Pierre Darroussin, - ArianeAscaride, - Robinson Stévenin, - GrégoireLeprince-Ringuet et Gérard Meylan

Durée / Time (minutes) :

106 min.

Genre :

Comedy / Drama / Romance

Langue / Language :

French - English subtitles

Pays / Country :


Au cinéma le / In theaters on :

Sunday, November 03 2024 at 13h30

Date de sortie / Release date :

December 22 2023

Vous pouvez maintenant acheter vos tickets en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous et trier par date.

You can now buy your tickets by clicking on the button below and sorting by date.

In the working-class district of old Marseille, Rosa is the heart and soul of her community, a nurse and the matriarch of a large and close-knit family. She meets Henri and realizes it is never too late to fulfill her own dreams.


  • There’s something extraordinary, and indeed comforting, in the fact that Robert Guédiguian, his cinema, his Marseille, and his actorsAriane Ascaride, JeanPierre Darroussin, Gérard Meylan, always themare still there. Not out of sentimentality orworsenostalgia, but because they are witnesses to an extremely lucid perspective on the contemporary world and today’s society, as determined and persistent as ever. Guédiguian remains one of the few European filmmakers capable of creating cinema with strong personal traitswhich could even be called private if not for the fact that “private” is a concept far removed from his poetic and mindsetbut at the same time universally resonant. This is because he has managed to construct a narrative style where repetition, seen as a variation on a theme, finds its own meaning.
    Scraps from the loft
  • Surrounded by his family of actors (Ariane Ascaride, Gérard Meylan…), Guédiguian once again believes in the light at the end of the road and celebrates this young generation that is taking up the fight, with the same energy and the same utopia as the elders of which he is a part. We come out pumped up and a few tears in the corners of our eyes.

  • Francia está en pantalla – Spain 2024 – Official selection
  • Festival du film francophone de Vienne – Austria, 2024 – Selected French films
  • Festival du film francophone de Grèce – Greece, 2024 – Competition
  • Festival du cinéma français en Israël – Israël 2024 – Official selection
  • Festa del Cinema Rome – Italy, 2023 – Grand Public
  • Beaujolais Meetings of French Cinema
  • 2023 Nominee Jury Award Best film Robert Guédiguian
  • 2023 Nominee High School Students’Award Best film Robert Guédiguian

Coprésentations / Co-presentations

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