English Canadian Premier

De / From:

Yvan Attal

Avec / With :

Yvan Attal, Guillaume Canet,Maïwenn, Marie-Josée Croze, AlmaJodorowsky, Victor Belmondo

Durée / Time (minutes) :

85 min.

Genre :

Drama / Thriller

Langue / Language :

French - English subtitles

Pays / Country :

France / Belgium

Au cinéma le / In theaters on :

Saturday, November 09 2024 at 16h30

Date de sortie / Release date :

Fall of 2024 (Quebec)

Ever since Vincent saved his life years ago, Mathieu has been in debt and in his shadow. Mathieu is now used and tired of covering his friend’s business. When he meets Elsa, Vincent’s rejected mistress who threatens to reveal everything, Mathieu also falls under the spell of the young woman. The quiet innocent friend and loving husband soon gets caught up in a web of lies and deception. The rot has set in. And death awaits around the corner…

  • A tragic, captivating and profoundly human story. A winning move!
     Closer review


  • Behind and in front of the camera, the director of The Accusation carefully carries out the autopsy of an adultery and questions in voiceover the notion of chance that shakes up our lives.
    Le Point


  • A gripping thriller with a suffocating atmosphere


  • Yvan Attal, who writes, directs and stars as Mathieu, certainly knows how to create atmosphere and tension with all the classic noirish elements at his disposal including a clever plot, a solid French cast and a sweeping romantic score that spells danger. Attal has a rare gift of exuding sexiness, decency and stability, so we’re on his side all the way through.


  • Breaking point is a thriller with a dense atmosphere, which voluntarily deprives itself of the great formal means to tell a most sadly ordinary story. It speaks as much of the mistrust and jealousy that plague first one couple, then the other, as it does of the difficulty of finding one’s place or one’s reason for living in a bourgeois environment, where everything seems to be mapped out in advance.


  • “Yvan has a unique sense of storytelling and a very cinematographic eye. His films are always grounded in today’s society while being timeless and instant classic”


  • “Yvan Attal has gathered for a stellar cast, commercially and artistically, that will shine on screen,” (Nahas)


  • RendezVous d’Unifrance à Paris – France 2024
  • Cinéroman Nice Film Festival – France 2023

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