De / from:
Sophie Farkas Bolla
Avec / with :
Alex Dupras, Gaby Jourdain, Marilyse Bourke, Emmanuel Schwartz, Kevin Papatie...
Durée en minutes / Runtime :
89 min.
Genre :
Adventures /Family
Langue / language :
French – English subtitles
Pays / Country :
Canada (Quebec)
Au Cinéma le / In theaters :
Friday, February 23 at 11ham
Date de sortie / Release date :
July 7, 2023
Par une froide journée d’hiver de 1940, Jules emménage avec sa famille chez son oncle, maire d’un village de colons dans le nord du Québec. À cause d’une maladie rare de la peau, il n’a aucun ami. Alors son plus grand souhait est de guérir. Lorsque son chien Flagrant se sauve dans la forêt, Jules n’a d’autre choix que de s’éloigner de sa maison pour le retrouver. En chemin, il fait la rencontre d’Asha, une mystérieuse jeune fille autochtone. Ensemble, ils vont s’aventurer de l’autre côté de la forêt, là où la nature se révèle pleine de vie et de secrets.
- Canadian film director and editor Sophie Farkas Bolla crafts a heartwarming (even if settled in familiar territory) tale about difference and acceptance in her feature film debut ‘Adventures in the Land of Asha’ (Jules au pays d’Asha).
Vassilis Kroustallis – Film is a Fine Affair - But beyond the beauty of nature, it is above all the beauty of childhood that the filmmaker brilliantly succeeds in highlighting. First, by telling the story of the birth of a non-judgmental friendship, in which differences are seen as strengths. A friendship nurtured by a reciprocal interest in getting to know each other. In this sense, the film allows us to learn more about Indigenous history and culture, especially thanks to the character of the benevolent Niimi (Kevin Papatie), without it becoming too educational and boring.
Translated from Véronique Larocque – La presse
- Chicago International Children’s Film Festival, US
- Kineko International Children’s Film Festival, Japan
- Filem’On – International Film Festival for Young Audiences, Belgium
- Festival La Prèmiere Séance, New Caledonia
- International Film Festival for Children and Youth, Iran
- Kinodiseea International Children’s Film Festival, Romania
- Schlingel International Film Festival, Germany
- Buster Film Festival, Denmark
- Culmea Film Festival, Romania
- IFI Family Festival, Ireland
- La Matatena International Children’s Film Festival, Mexico
- Giffoni FF, Italy
- Busan International Kids & Youth Film Festival Film festival, South Korea
- Zlin Film Festival, Czech Republic
- Kristiansand International Children’s Film Festival, Norway
- BUFF Malmö, Sweden
- Montreal Int. Children’s Film Festival (FIFEM), Canada
- CIFEJ Award – Kineko International Children’s Film Festival
- Special Mention – La Matatena International Children’s Film Festival
- CONAI Special Award for Best Environmentalist Film – Giffoni
- Grand Prize of Montreal for best Feature film – FIFEM