De / from:

Sébastien Gagné

Avec / with :

Oscar Desgagnés, Joey Bélanger, Emma Bao Linh Tourné, Benoît Brière, ...

Durée en minutes / Runtime :

89 min.

Genre :


Langue / language :

French – English subtitles

Pays / Country :

Canada (Quebec)

Au Cinéma le / In theaters :

Tuesday. February 27 at 11ham

Date de sortie / Release date :

February 24, 2023

After his father faces financial struggles, twelve-year-old Max is forced to shut down the pawn shop he operates from his garage and move to a small country town. When Max discovers the world of small-scale farming, the young entrepreneur rallies the help of his cousin Charles, along with local youtuber Alice, to start an egg farming business in Charles’s old decaying barn. The animal-friendly Coco Farm quickly becomes a major hit, but the three partners soon find themselves facing the harsh realities of an industry controlled by mega-d agribusinesses. 

  • Like the other “Tales for All”, “Coco Ferme” delivers several inspiring messages that warm the heart in these rather gloomy times. The value of friendship, pride in a job well done – Benoît Brière’s line will send shivers down the spine of even the most jaded viewer – and faith in one’s abilities, in life, are all themes that are skilfully explored, without ever falling into the trap of silliness or parish preaching. Current topics such as local production, respect for animals or the peasant revolution at a time when large retail chains are omnipresent allow the public of all ages to feel not only concerned, but also part of the issues presented.
    Translation from an excerpt of the review in Le journal de Montréal 


  • In this endearing rural remake of the tale for all TIRELIRE, COMBINES ET CIE (Jean Beaudry, 1991), the authors fervently defend a model of agricultural production with a human face, concerned with animal welfare and favourable to small farming communities.
    Translation from an excerpt of the review in Mediafilm 


  • Coco Ferme is a modern entertainment in which twists and turns follow one another. Current topics such as animal welfare, local food and the return to the land are at the heart of the story. Anyone who has ever thought about leaving the city for the countryside will feel the call again to see the magnificent landscapes of the Eastern Townships in which the heroes evolve.
    Translation from an excerpt of the review in La Presse 
  • Montreal International Film Festival for Children: Opening film (February 24, 2023) 
  • International Film Festival for Children and Young Audience SCHLiNGEL 

International Film Festival for Children and Young Audience SCHLiNGEL 

  • 2023 Winner MDR Special Award 

            Best international Children’s Film –   

            Sébastien Gagné      

  • 2023 Winner MDR Club of Festivals Children – Best International Feature Film in the Category “Children’s Film” – Sébastien Gagné 

FIFEM: Audience Award for its 26th festival 

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